Pursue Purity

Pursue Purity

Daniel 1:8 (KJV)

“But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank…” – Daniel 1:8 (KJV)

Daniel was exiled to Babylon after King Nebuchadnezzar besieged Jerusalem; he was chosen from a royal and noble Israelite family to be trained for three years in order to enter the King’s service. He was handsome, had no physical defect, possessed a brilliant mind, and was teachable. He was entitled daily to food and wine from the king’s table while in training (Daniel 1:3-6).

Daniel believed in and had a personal relationship with the True and Living God even though he was in a foreign land. His beliefs had a great impact on the decisions he made. He requested that he and his friends be excused from partaking in food and wine from the King’s table because, based on their religious beliefs, this food would defile them. Instead, they requested fruits, vegetables and water for ten days while under observation by those in authority. At the end of the specified period, they looked healthier than their cohorts who partook of the King’s food. Daniel and his friends were granted permission to maintain their chosen diet while in training (Daniel 1:8-16).

You may be reading this encouragement today as a young person who is being tried and tested at home, work, or school because of your faith. You are constantly being challenged as you seek to stand up for what you believe. Be encouraged; like Daniel, you too will emerge victorious out of every hostile situation. God is fighting for you and will continue to fight for you. What the enemy meant for evil will work for your good. 

As a child of God, do not succumb to peer pressure, refuse to drink alcohol, vape, use drugs, steal, and engage in sex before marriage. These can lead to spiritual and physical death (Proverbs 14:12, 16:25). Your life is valuable; be determined not to defile yourself but rather to pursue the path of purity and fulfilling purpose. 

Daniel and his friends pursued purity with God’s help, and you can do it, too. For those who have already gone astray, today is the acceptable day for you to repent of your wrongdoings and ask Jesus Christ to come into your life. Surrender to Him and begin to pursue purity.

Read: 1 Timothy 4:12; 1 Peter 5:5-9

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 62; John 9:35-41; John 10:1-21; Ruth 3; Ruth 4

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